It’s been 14 weeks since I did a calligraphy piece and only 2 this whole year, so I thought it’s time to do one. When I first came to Greenville from having developed an art curriculum and teaching art for 11 years in PA at Upper Bucks Christian School, I worked as an illustrator at the BJU Press for the next 8 years-wonderful group of people to work with-8 of the best years of my life!!

For a few years now the Press has been digitizing all the artwork that the illustrators did. And when the digitizing process was completed, all the artwork came back to the original artists. This is one of those illustrations and I added the calligraphy just this week. The stormy waters in this painting were “screaming” for the words to the hymn, “Master, the Tempest is Raging”. So…yeah, not a barn this week, or a church or even an old vehicle.

The approximate framed out size of this WC/calligraphy is larger than my average size pieces-18 1/2” x 21 1/4”.

$485 (Prints available)


Kilgore House Fort, Nickelsville, VA


Cow in the Creek