The Kilgore House Fort (#2) is located near Nickelsville, VA. My Kilgore House Fort # was a little different view and was a summer depiction, contrasted to this ptg, an autumn scene. To refresh your memory, here’s some of what I wrote about it in my original ptg #1: “…a painting of this historic house in Scott County, close to Nickelsville, VA. The Kilgore House Fort was built in 1786 by Robert Kilgore, whose family were early settlers in this area. It was one of the twelve forts between Castlewood VA and the Cumberland Gap (between KY and VA), providing refuge for settlers from Indian attacks in the late 18th century. Kilgore later became a preacher in the Primitive Baptist Church, often holding religious services at the House Fort.” My mind wanders when I see this house, thinking of how life must’ve been during that time-a simple life but diligent, reminding me of the children of Israel, under Nehemiah’s leadership, rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, with one hand on their tools and the other hand on their weapons. So…the Kilgore House Fort. This is another miniature, the approximate framed out size of this watercolor painting being 14” x 14”.

$130 (Prints available)


Snowflake, VA Tobacco Barn


"Peace, Be Still"