Well, this week, because of jam packed responsibilities which consumed most of my week (primarily, a 3 1/2 day task in the process of making apple butter beginning Wednesday and culminating on Saturday evening), I only had 1 day in which I was able to paint, so this week was another miniature. I recently went to Dollywood as a guest of a great friend of 3+ decades. DW’s Fall Festival activities throughout the park included the making of sorghum syrup the same way it was done around the turn of the last century. What a boring life this old mare had by going around in circles, getting nowhere, but aiding in the making this delicious syrup. If I may, there are many people in the world today, going around in circles, getting nowhere, but trying to “work out” their problems, not realizing that the answer to all their problems, (sometimes including their own salvation), lies in One Source-the Lord Jesus!

Anyway, I’d love to have experienced this simple (but hard) lifestyle-no TV, no devices, just families living and loving together as 1 unit.

So…this is another miniature painting, measures approximately 14” x 14”, framed out.

SOLD (Prints available)


Stonington CT Lighthouse (SOLD)


Kerver Homestead (SOLD)