This is the Wehpittituck Farm in Stonington, Connecticut. My wife saw a sign that pointed down a side road that we were driving while in NE, so we decided to go down and see what kind of “farm” was attached to a name like that!! Wow! Were we pleasantly surprised?! This was, by far, the most beautiful farm I’ve ever seen-ever!! I got permission to walk around the farm, take all the pics I wanted to! After a little research, I found out that this farm has been owned by the same family for over 300 years. And it’s still owned by the Rathbun family and is still an operational farm!! The land on which the 300-year-old Wehpittituck farmhouse sits has been in the Rathbun family since 1650. Friends, that’s 126 years OLDER than our country!! Can you imagine that?! Anyway, (calm down John! I get so excited to learn this kind of history), the approximate size of this watercolor is 18” x 22”.The approximate framed out size of this watercolor is 20” x 21”The approximate size of this watercolor is 18” x 22”.

$475 (Prints available)


Christmas Tree Farm (SOLD)


Stonington CT Lighthouse (SOLD)