A big ‘thank you’ to my son, Daniel and his wife Stephanie for giving me permission to paint their reference photo of Portland Head Lighthouse in Maine. This is probably the most well-known and photographed lighthouse in the country. The PHL is definitely on our bucket list to visit-such a beautiful area. (Side note: We did make it to NE and we DID indeed get to see the PLH in person). One of the painting challenges that I enjoy is changing the season, changing the time of day, etc. it forces me to pay attention to those kinds of settings when I’m just out and about. My artistic mind is never idle-always thinking, “how would I paint that?” or “if I painted this like it really is, people would say, ‘that’s not how those are.’“ or “Those cloud are amazing. Maybe I can put them in another composition”. That’s what I did in this PHL painting. I took Daniel’s daytime, overcast photo and placed it into a sunrise scene. This was so much fun to paint!! The approximate framed out size of this watercolor is 17” x 20”.

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Psalm 122:1


Hyde's Mill