Last week, Linda and I finally got to mark New England off our bucket list-never been to NE, but definitely wanna go back. The highlight of my week (don’t know about Linda’s) was visiting the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA and tour his studio. I felt like a kid in a candy store!!

We had time to visit around 11 lighthouses-incredible!! I’d like to do a series of lighthouses and I’m going to begin painting a little larger. I know I’m “shooting myself in the foot” because larger paintings mean larger prices. But if I don’t sell, that’s ok. I paint because I enjoy so much the gift that God has given me and I want to use my artistic ability to honor and glorify God! Selling my artwork is a by-product.

Anyway, this is the Castle Hill Lighthouse, located on Narragansett Bay in Newport, Rhode Island. Built right into the rocky ledge, it is still an active navigation aid for vessels. The day we were here, there was a very visible storm on the horizon. What an incredible visit!!

The approximate framed out size of this watercolor is 19 1/2” x 22”.

$575 (Prints available)


Cape Cod Highland Lighthouse


Snowflake, VA Tobacco Barn